Welcome to Gaia! :: i want to get more gold!!!!

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forum:137, topic:46462079
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i want gold for stuff like being just on like more gold like 15 gold for just being on and i think

thats my dream avi
Well... you could try... surfing the site maybe?
A little commenting
Earning your gold.
You constantly get gold for being on.
You are not your post count and you are not your gold amount.
We're already being rewarded for just being on. It's called using the Daily Chance. Why should we be rewarded even more than that for doing absolutely nothing? =/ You should at least earn some gold.
Then work for it like the rest of us. That's the only way you'll get more gold here. And if you're having troubles, then click the "Need Gold?" Button underneath your gold count on the top right of the screen when it appears.
no what i mean is that we should get more gold than 5 gold for being on i mean come on people dont some of u worry about that i hate how u have to play for endless hours for northing but 1000 gold it pisses me off so bad scream

thats my dream avi
Question. Do you know of any other site that is somewhat similar to Gaia that has easier ways of gaining gold/their version of money? Because I don't. All sites that are somewhat like Gaia are even harder. Count your blessing how easy gold is here. =/
no what i mean is that we should get more gold than 5 gold for being on i mean come on people dont some of u worry about that i hate how u have to play for endless hours for northing but 1000 gold it pisses me off so bad scream

Apparently you're doing it wrong. I make far more than 1000g a day and I rarely do more than chat, play games and surf.
My Item Suggestion Post

Message me, I like Literate RP.
You get gold for clicking we don't need more gold when I sit down and try i can make 50k a day ( wish I had time now a days to do that) but when I am on just for fun and not trying to make gold I can make about 3k a day by doing nothing, So gold is very easy to get now a days.

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Looking for someone to do some avi art for me pm me to talk about this thanks
Do things around the site to get more gold :/

Seriously, if you want to get paid for not doing anything, go play Fable for a while.

There are more than enough ways to get gold from the site.

Post, poll, vote in the arenas, play pinball or word bump...

And those are just from the site.

Draw for tips in Freebies, play the market, or even offer to bump for people for gold.

If you want to be lazy, then maybe Gaia's not the site for you.

Yo' mama so fat, she needs a reflex save of 20 to get up off the couch.
I already earn at least 1k everyday spending a few hours posting in the forums. I earn another +500g just doing Daily Chance and the Overseer and posting, voting, commenting a few times each day. I've learned to play Cards pretty well and usually I profit three times as more than whatever it cost me to buy the coins. I've also learned to use the Market Place so earning 10k or more in a few hours isn't that hard either. So sorry, but I don't see your problem.
no what i mean is that we should get more gold than 5 gold for being on i mean come on people dont some of u worry about that i hate how u have to play for endless hours for northing but 1000 gold it pisses me off so bad scream

I got 1000 gold in my aquarium overseer once.
well im just trying to make my dream avi and its hard as hell okie i dont like to just sit and do stuff i wanna sit and get gold for nothing like just coming into gaia and i have some issus but no one will help me when i need it but my boyfriend which is emo cat adrian heart

thats my dream avi
well im just trying to make my dream avi and its hard as hell okie i dont like to just sit and do stuff i wanna sit and get gold for nothing like just coming into gaia and i have some issus but no one will help me when i need it but my boyfriend which is emo cat adrian heart
That is the point of a dream avi they are something to work for not just come in and get. The world rewards thoes who work and does nothing to thoes who do nothing simple.

people who like my sig:230
people who hate my sig:110
pm me to tell me

Looking for someone to do some avi art for me pm me to talk about this thanks
im just doing this to make money and talk to people but i hate the act of no one will ever help with people cause there money hungry and there rich az f**k it annoyse me like my sis shes rich and shes money hungry just like all the other rich gaians any more there all selfish

thats my dream avi
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